You’re ready to make art. You have your canvas or sketchbook set up, your supplies are all laid out…and then it happens. You’re stuck. Not sure where or how to start. Carla Sonheim is an amazing cure for anyone suffering from blank canvas syndrome. She takes away everything intimidating about making art and just gets you going. And even more amazingly, she gets you having fun as you do.
Just Take A Look, It's In A Book
I originally found out about Carla Sonhein through some worksheets she was selling on Etsy in 2012. They were supposed to get you just making silly art.
Later on, I purchased these two books:
Now Lucy looks through them and uses the same techniques to get started drawing or add art to her journals. So, these are fun to both use and share.
Carla Sonheim Art Classes
Eventually, I signed up for Carla’s online Art of Silliness workshop. It was a fun way to make sure I was engaging in some sort of creativity each week.
Now, Carla’s art classes have expanded to incorporate a lot of different techniques and to feature many talented artists. There’s something for everyone. She even offers free kid’s art resources on her classes page.
Here is some art made by Lucy for Carla’s current year-long course: Words & Pictures.
Making Art For Introverts
I really enjoy following with Carla without the pressure of having to share every single thing I make. Art can feel really personal, you know? Sometimes you feel really proud of something and want to share, and sometimes you don’t.
When you take a Carla Sonheim class you get to take advantage of a classroom-setting where you get to view and be inspired by other’s artistic talents and takes on assignments. At the same time, you don’t HAVE to share if you’re not comfortable doing so.
I think it is a great idea to share work every now and then to get feedback and encouragement. I just also believe that making this an optional part of the class is great for those of us who aren’t very people-y.
The more you can open yourself up to new and silly ways of drawing and painting, the more primed you are to approach your "real" artwork with a spirit of relaxation that, ironically, often leads to the most satisfying results.
What Inspires You To Make Art?
There are a bunch of books that have inspired me to WANT to make art like The Artists Way by Julia Cameron, and The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. Carla’s books and classes actually get Lucy and I MAKING art. Do you have resources in your life like this? We’d love to hear about what inspires you!
Something FUN For Your Inbox
Carla’s Crack of the Month Club
Wouldn’t it be nice to find more than a bunch of ads, notices, and reminders in your inbox? Carla Sonheim’s newsletters remind me of that feeling you get when you receive something fun in the mail. Like a gift, card, or letter from an old friend.
They often contain tips, free tutorials, and (my favorite) the “Crack of the Month.” It’s a random photograph of a crack from somewhere that you can download, print out, and use as a beginning for your own artwork. Looking at these shapes and lines reminds me of trying to find pictures in the clouds with Lucy.
If you decide to sign up and download a crack or two, let us see what you make with it! No pressure though.